Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 26, 2011


I've been pretty quiet lately only because I have been SLAMMED during these weeks of Christmas!! Please bear with me......blog coming soon...... :)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Worship while I'm waiting

I don't really feel like writing today, but I thought for some odd reason someone out there, somewhere may be intrested. Not likely, but what the hec.So be warned, this post isn't all cupcakes and rainbows. Maybe my grandchildren if no one else, will look back on this and see a little peice of who I was. So, we are 11 days out on our IUI. Been fighting a nasty cold all week and refuse to take anything in hope that there just may be a little one in there......or more. Haven't slept much at all due to the coughing and congestion. Fever off and on during the day at the clinic. I spent most of the week analizing, agonizing, and comparing every symptom I thought I might have to the millions of others who are ttc that post to discussion boards on line. About Wednesday, I decided that my focus was in the wrong place. I had taken my focus off of Him. This is not like me, the thought and desire of becoming pregnant was literally consuming me. Now, with my focus redirected appropriately, I am focused hard on my Saviour Jesus Christ and His loving will for my life. I have such a perfect peace. The days still seem to be dragging by but I beleive that is nothing more than human nature and we can only do so much about the natural way our bodies function. Hubby talked me into doing a home preg test this am and it was negative. Of course it's too early to show up but he was so hopeful. Yes, emotionally it was hard to look at another neg preg test, but I'm holding out......for a positive test? Nope, for His will. That is the take home message He keeps whispering in my ear. I want His will for my life. Do I want to be pregnant so badly? Of course. Do I dream of giving birth, and the first moment I lay my eyes on my child, and the first time I lay them to by chest? Absolutely! Have I given up hope? Absolutely not. Just trusting His will and mine will be in line. That is what the relationship with Him is all about. Terrible headache today, so I'm signing off for now. Hopefully, in a few days, I will have some VERY exciting news to share with you. Until then, aj