Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 7, 2012


So I haven’t written in a while and now I have a perfect opportunity to write about something neutral to me. It’s a safe topic that may ease me right back into blogging as I will have to start back next month anyway. This weekend, I took my family to Talladega Superspeedway to experience the Aarons 449. Notice that I carefully chose the word experience rather than watch.  It truly was an experience in every sense of the word! I would really like to keep this relatively short. I would like to just name a few things that I learned on this fun filled weekend.

1.       Everyone is welcome here at Talladega. Everyone from all walks of life. Absolutely No discrimination. Everyone feels the love. Everyone.

2.       Do NOT wear Nascar Driver apparel unless you are prepared for some strange conversations with random people that can become extremely uncomfortable, especially when alcohol is involved.

3.       Everyone should experience this at least once in their life. There are no words to describe the smells, sights, sounds, and the rumble in your chest you feel every time the cars fly by.

4.       No matter how much water you carry in, it will not be enough.

5.       People will consume more alcohol than you may imagine.

6.       I have more respect for the drivers than ever before. This is a hard hot job.

7.       There is no such thing as personal space there, people are all over you. Carry germ-x and get over it.

8.       Take toilet paper to the porta johns.

9.       Most of the people you see will not be wearing enough clothes.

10.   It was the most amazing experience for me, very exciting. Invigorating. Encouraging.

11.   You will cheer for people you have never heard of.

12.   The spirit in the stands is contagious.

13.   IT was priceless. Hopefully we can go every year.

I grew up on NASCAR; it’s just what we did. If it wasn’t on tv, we listened to it on the radio. You picked a driver and went with it. There are no descriptive words that can make you understand or appreciate the track and the race. You just have to go. And then you will want to go back.

Until next time………aj