Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Gotta start somewhere

I have wanted to start this blog for two years. Each time I try to start, I freeze; having no clue where to start! Then tonight, I think, you know what, that is the purpose of having your own blog. You run the show!! So here we go, not that anyone would be interested anyway. We'll see where it goes!! My prayer is that it somehow brings honor and glory to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
As I envision my morning 2 mile walk, things that come to mind are the crisp cool air, a slight breeze against my cheek, those sweets chirping birds serenading me, the smell of corn ready for harvest filling the air. Now take that wonderful vision to a screeching halt and let me tell you what it was actually like. The air smells like corn alright, but it’s so darn thick it weighs down my lungs and makes the effort of breathing a workout in itself. The birds are chirping a cry for help as they dehydrate. There is not the slightest breeze caressing my cheek, only large beads of sweat leading to other places on my body that they are not welcome.  Gunner is panting heavily and wondering to himself why on God’s green Earth he decided to accompany me on this miserable journey. I make it through, however, lifting up my pitiful prayer requests to the Lord as I trudge along. Then a pleasant peace falls sweetly on my soul as I am talking with my Lord and I realize just how blessed I am. I know so many people that dread aging and who would give almost anything to go back to a certain period in their life, maybe their “prime” as they call it. Not me. I look forward with great anticipation to what God has in store for my family and I. I have been blessed with a marriage that is centered around Christ and grows sweeter with every day that passes. Each day, I think there is no way possible I could love him anymore, but when I wake up the next morning, I DO!!! It’s simply amazing. Some days, it takes my breath away. I try to take it all in, soak it all up. I never want to take it for granted. I look at my sweet Tim and realize that he is getting cuter as he gets older! He says he is getting wrinkles, but lucky for him they only add character to a man as he ages.  As adorable as he was on the day we met, it just gets better and better. I look so forward to growing old with him. Trying to envision what type of routine we will have when our kids have left the Johnson pad (I am certain, however, that they will not stray far). Will he join me with my coffee in the mornings? Probably not, but hey, this IS MY dream right? Right.  I look forward to him riding me around Horseshoe just to look at the crops. I wonder what Laken Farms will be in 10 years. I wonder what my clinic will be in 10 years. How old will Olivia be? Who will my boys have married? As I ponder these things, it becomes apparent to me that maybe I have entered the “straw hat” phase of my life. You know the point in which you go for comfort rather “cute”. I am just fine with this phase of my life! So much has changed over the past 12 months as my journey will school is drawing to an end, it’s exciting to think what lies ahead for our sweet family!! The boys have open house this Thursday and will start school Monday. This is a new school for them, so I am sure they are nervous. Their momma has em covered in prayer though!! They will shine, I have no doubt. Football practice has been brutal to say the least. With the extreme temps outside, those boys have a lot of heart as they give their all during these practice days. Ty is back up QB and starting corner (not exactly sure what that means, but “starting” anywhere makes a mom super proud!). Luke is guard or tackle and for 7th grade, that is awesome!! Keep in mind too, that he has NEVER played football. As I am sure it is very evident, my heart bursts with pride for my boys. They are incredible young men of Christ and I can hardly wait to see the things they will accomplish for the Lord.  Faye comes tomorrow with her two little munchkins and we are super excited!! I am certainly looking forward to relaxing with them for a while!! Well, I am certain that you are exhausted from reading all of this mumbo jumbo; that is assuming you didn’t give up after the first few sentences!! I urge each of you to be all that you can be for the Lord, not for man. Give it your all; leave it all on the field.

p.s. my doctor’s appointment got rescheduled for 8-16-11 at 130. Leaving it in God’s hands

Until next time with my love,


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